The Joseph Rowntree Theatre is currently in the process of submitting a planning application to City of York Council, to build a 'Garden Room' as part of the long-term programme of expansion. This expansion proposes two extra toilets and a café/bar that would be built in the front grounds of the theatre, that currently consists of landscaping and hard standing.
Below is an extract from the planning documents:
“This will address the key areas of criticism of the theatre which has limited toilet facilities inside and a very limited foyer area allowing for no socialising and waiting pre-show.
“The application is for a temporary permission a maximum of 5 years to provide the additional facilities whilst the theatre fundraises for a permanent extension to the building to support community theatre in providing rehearsal and exhibition space as well as improved facilities for theatre goers.”
The scheme would have no direct impact on the theatre and any harm to the setting and character of the area would be “less than substantial and of a low order.”
This would be outweighed by the public benefit of better facilities for theatregoers, the theatre increasing its income, and the application helping with longer ambitions for expansion as the theatre and it's volunteer-led team continue to develop the community applications and benefits of the establishment.
If you like the idea of what the theatre is proposing and would like to help, we are encouraging people to comment on the application in support of the application. The more community support we have will enable us to demonstrate the need and benefit of the garden room to improving the theatre for the local community.
To view the Planning Documents and make a comment in support of the theatre's application, click the relevant links below:
You can also check out the full article written by York Press.