The theatre is located on Haxby Road opposite the Nestle Factory. You may park in the car park behind the Yearsley Swimming Pool. Please do not bring cars onto the theatre grounds or try to park in front of the theatre as we need to keep the area clear.
Please enter and exit the theatre through the Stage Door which can be found on the left hand side of the theatre towards the back. If you are being picked up, those collecting you should wait outside the Stage Door. Those other than cast and crew must not come backstage before, during or after the show or rehearsal. On Performance days cast and crew should remain in the backstage area.
Everyone involved in the production (cast, crew, chaperones and band) must enter and leave the theatre by the stage door. A door code is issued to operate both the stage door and internal ‘pass door’ to front of house.
There is a hot drinks and cold cans machine backstage for the use of cast and crew. It is not possible to have kettles or urns backstage due to the limited space available and safety requirements. Ice creams can be ordered for the interval and brought backstage — to arrange this speak to the Duty Manager to obtain a form.
You may eat in the dressing rooms; however we would ask that fragrant foods such as Fish and Chips are not brought into the theatre due to the unpleasant residual smells they leave.
Theatres are hazardous places and you must take care at all times. Please ensure that the corridors, wings and backstage area are kept clear of obstructions and hazards. Please do not run backstage. You must obey the Stage Manager and inform them of any hazards or issues as they are responsible for the safety of those in the theatre.
We cannot guarantee the security of the dressing rooms, and would advise you not to bring valuables into the theatre.
Please be quiet backstage and in the wings as noise may spoil the performance.
Below is a PDF version of the text above to circulate to your cast, band members, stage crew, etc.