Backstage Access
To ensure the security and safety of cast and crew, backstage access is restricted to those involved in the production. People meeting cast and crew should do so at the stage door. Adhesive badges are issued to all crew members; anyone backstage other than cast and identified crew members will be asked to leave.
The stage door and the pass door to the auditorium are protected by an electronic code lock. The appropriate access codes for your production will be notified to you before the hire period.
Dressing Rooms
There are four backstage dressing rooms, all with interconnecting doors. All dressing rooms are equipped with mirrors with lights and washbasins.
Two dressing rooms measure 4.1m x 4m (13’ 6” by 13’ 2”) and can each accommodate sixteen people. A further two dressing rooms are 2.6m x 4m (8’ 6” by 13’ 2”) and can each accommodate nine people.
The cellar below the stage may also be used as a changing area, although with more limited facilities.
The maximum number of people that can be accommodated backstage is one hundred — this includes cast, crew, helpers and chaperones.
Backstage Drinks
There is a hot drinks and cold cans machine as well as a water cooler backstage for the use of cast and crew. It is not possible to have kettles or urns backstage due to the limited space available and safety requirements.
Ice creams can be ordered for the interval and brought backstage. To arrange this, speak to the duty manager to obtain a form before the start of your performance.