Can you help us to tell our story?
We are looking for creative and committed volunteers to join our theatre marketing and communications team.
There are a number of roles we get involved in, including content development, social media, email marketing and PR. If you have experience in areas of marketing, enjoy coming up with new ideas and working with a small group of similar-minded people, then get in touch with us today!
The Joseph Rowntree Theatre is wholly managed by teams of volunteers, including the marketing and communications team. We meet once a week to plan stories for the week ahead. Each team member takes on a different area of responsibility - from social media, website, and media relations to show brochures and mailouts. With a weekly time commitment of about two hours, working as part of an enthusiastic team, it’s an extremely rewarding and fun role.
For more information or to have a chat about what’s involved, email: marketing@jrtheatre.co.uk